Journey Between Two Worlds
Journey Between Two Worlds is an award-winning, compelling firsthand account of growing up in Germany during the poverty and despair of the Great Depression and the fear and oppression of Hitler’s Nazi regime, surviving the ravages and rubble of World War II, and ultimately gaining freedom and a resurrected life in America. Karola Schuette describes in lyrical detail how her destiny is transformed forever when she meets a German-born US Army intelligence officer. Forging a life of new horizons and experiences in the United States, Karola opens our eyes to the liberties and opportunities that we may assume to be our birthright, and subtly and insightfully conveys that a democracy requires constant cultivation to sustain it.

Karola M. Schuette

Margaret Schuette
Margaret Schuette, daughter of Karola M. Schuette, with a BA from Ohio University and MA from the University of California at Los Angeles, has for forty years flourished as a performer, choreographer, and dance educator on the West Coast and East Coast. She currently resides in NYC.